Tools Load unfinished survey Resume later You have completed 0% of this survey 0% default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. New Defence Gateway Portal Tell us what you think..... We are listening The Web Team, part of Army Digital Services are committed to advancing and improving the experience of all Defence Gateway Users. We have recently upgraded the Defence Gateway to provide all 331,000 Users World-Wide with an enhanced Portal to all Defence Applications and Services. The Portal is currently in BETA phase and we need your Feedback. Let us know your thoughts, observations and opinions. (This question is mandatory) How would you rate your experience using the new Portal? 1 = Total Dissatisfied and 5 =Totally Satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 (This question is mandatory) How easy it is to navigate through the landing page? Choose one of the following answers Very Easy Easy Somewhat Easy Difficult Very Difficult (This question is mandatory) Were you able to find all the information you were looking for on the landing page? Choose one of the following answers Yes Some Information No (This question is mandatory) How easy was is to find the information you were looking for on the landing page? Choose one of the following answers Very Easy Easy Somewhat Easy Difficult Very Difficult (This question is mandatory) Did the landing page function well for you? Choose one of the following answers Yes Somewhat No (This question is mandatory) How likely are you to use the landing page again? Choose one of the following answers Very Likely Likely Not Likely Not Likely at all (This question is mandatory) How would you rate your experience with the landing page? Choose one of the following answers very Satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Do you have any suggestions for how the landing page could be improved? Do you have any other comments you would like to add? What is your favourite feature of the landing page? What is your least favourite feature of the landing page? Submit Load unfinished survey Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey