Why have I been invited to take part in this survey?
The RAF Leavers' Survey is an anonymous survey sent to Regular RAF personnel who are due to leave the RAF. You have been invited to take part in this survey because according to JPA you are due to exit the RAF in the next 12 months. If you have recently decided to extend your Service, we apologise as this survey will no longer be applicable to you, therefore please feel free to disregard it.
What is included in the survey?
This survey includes 5 sections:
(A) Why are you leaving?
(B) What could have made you stay?
(C) Your Experiences of RAF Resettlement
(D) What are your plans once you leave?
(E) About you
Personnel who have voluntarily decided to leave the RAF, either by requesting an Early Termination (ET) or by declining an offer of further engagement will be asked to complete sections A, B, C, D and E. Personnel who have not chosen to leave (eg those who have reached the end of their engagement or those who have reached retirement age) will be asked to complete sections D and E only.
Do I have to complete it?
Whilst completion is entirely voluntary, we encourage recipients to tell us their views so that we can make positive changes in the RAF.
Who will see my answers?
Survey responses will be treated in the strictest confidence and only the civilian Occupational Psychologists at HQ Air will see them.
Is it possible to trace my answers back to me?
No. The survey itself is anonymous and not linked to you in any way. Only the civilian researchers will see the completed surveys and there will be no attempt to cross-reference the surveys with the sample data; thus the researchers will not know who the responses are from. The survey results will be reported as aggregate figures rather than individual responses, and presented in such a way that an individual’s responses cannot be traced back to them. No results will be presented for groups of less than 30 people, therefore protecting the anonymity of participants.
Who should I contact if I have any further questions?
If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact the HQ Air Occupational Psychology Team at: [email protected]